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Collezioni Uomo and James Marsden without hairspray...

(Cover of Collezioni Uomo 2007/08. James Marsden.)

In-the-making of the cover:
Stephanie Canciello, president of Unali Artists, spent a month producing this cover even while she was on vacation amongst Polar Bears and all, drove 8 hours to-and-from Rhode Island, and worked on lots and lots of other etceteras (mind she still owes me an iceberg). Giorgio Ammirabile flew trunks full of designers clothes from Italy, mingled with "Calle 13" and went to many sample sales. Karlo (me :-), molded hair, painted, and told Katie Bleacher she could not have guests in her own country home while we were retouching James, lol. And last but not least, Bleacher & Everard captured the right moments and angles for the cover of Collezioni Uomo's "Confessions of a Superhero" with James Marsden.

Of course it is team work! You kidding? We all at one point molded, re-molded, shaped and re-shaped plans, courses of action, direction, location, images and even the tuna from Legal Sea Foods (this location sucks, the service is horrendous, the tuna was like rubber and people don't have style!). Still, considering all the elements against us, everything turned out pretty seamless, shiny, flawless and we defied hail and wind without having to use an ounce of Hairspray. (Note: If you still have cans of hairspray at home, recycle them. In mosquito infested areas, point at the insect and spray, it's wings will immediately stick together preventing the horrible creature from flying, now you'll have a walking mosquito. Or the other option would be to ship them to New Jersey. The hairspray cans I mean.)

Things you should know:
James Marsden plays Corny Collins in the remake of the movie Hairspray. His character was originally played by Shawn Thompson in the 1988 original directed by John Waters. John Travolta has taken the hilarious and challenging role of Edna Turnblad, originally played by the one and only DIVINE ! The rest of the cast? Michelle Pfeiffer, Christopher Walken, Queen Latifah, ZacEfron, Britanny Snow, Amanda Bynes, Eliyah Kelly, Allison Janney and Nikki Blonsky.

Did you take a look at Mr. Marsden resume? Of course you did! Now gently add this movie, his face, his body. No wonder Collezioni Uomo wanted more than a cover from handsome James. An interview and a fashion spread follows the cover...

Hairspray was not used in the grooming process.

Odile Lecoin is key for supple skin right before makeup.

To the naked eye, even when you have applied makeup, a man's skin should read: sans maquillage!

On occasion one just needs to enhance the natural beauty and voilà, the spotlight is on.

A hair product that creates texture without oiliness or weighing it down was crucial. I'm not going to tell you the secret. Ask your Mom.

Ok, so I have you, girls and guys, already in love with James , but I'm not done. Let me throw you some Confessions Of a Makeup Artiste:

My personal experience with Mr. Marsden? A true gem and gentleman. Yes ladies I know, but what else can I tell you if not the truth. You are probably twirling on the floor or hanging from the ceiling fan spinning around, but men like this still exist. He was on-time, he worked WITH us, he was patient, he had a sense of humor. He knew his light, he knew his angles, and I could go on and on about James... Ah! and the light salt and pepper hair you see? Its natural. So hit yourself
now with the computer mouse, it's not a dream. You are qualified now to discard your husband and jettison him to Marsden Camp. Wait! His waist? 29. Something not even the stylist could believe before meeting him in person. Right Giorgio?

Well, it's almost time to say goodbye, but not without saying that it was a pleasure to work with TALENTED, PROFESSIONAL, SENSIBLE HUMAN BEINGS where there is no room for uncalled attitude and pretentiousness. Besides, isn't the latter traits of insecurity?

It was such gusto! to directly and/or indirectly collaborate with members of this team like Jillian Fowkes,
Tara Friedlander, James Marsden, Alessandro Ferrari, Giorgio Ammirabile, Antonio Guerra and family, Katie Bleacher & Dean Everard and of course the woman at the prow of it all Stephanie Canciello. Thanks Steph! Thanks Alessandro and Giorgio for the trust! Thanks Collezioni for holding the magazine for this shoot! Until next time!


James Marsden - HOT!!!
Anonymous said…
Well written article.

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