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Calvin Klein Underwear. A Celebration!

A photo-editorial I produced for Collezioni Uomo celebrating the 25 years of Calvin Klein undies... what a celebration... what a glorious day!

Photography by: Joe Oppedisano
Styling: Giorgio Ammirabile
Hair: Adrian DeBerardinis
MakeUp and Production: Karlo for MAC Cosmetics
Location: The Rivington Hotel, NYC

Travis from B1 Models

Travis and I in-the-making

Tyler Garceau @ Major Models

James Guardino @ Major Models

Nelson @ Red Models

Travis @ B1 Models

Carlens @ Red Models

Ryan Cooper @ New York Model Management

Jensen @ New York Model Management

Ryan Daharsh @ Major Models

Brian Jankic @ New York Models

Dare @ B1 Models

Thanks to all of you that made this possible. Thank you Joe for being available... Tom Eubanks, Joe's agent... Allesandro and Giorgio from Collezioni for trusting me.... Jeffrey Felshaw at The Rivington for such a fabulous suite!... Ivonne Carlo Sellés for helping me rub these men and run like a mad woman in order to feed the gods! Yes, Giorgio still owes you 60 bucks, lol... Miguel Figueroa for waking up Ivonne... and last but not least, Jay at Calvin Klein for opening up the CK archives, and also for filling our personal intimate drawers with Calvin.

PD.: Joe, next time please do not improvise with the lights and its covers, we could have burned in hell, lol.


Anonymous said…
Thank you Karlo for letting me rub all those boys down with your creme concoctions... jajaja :) It was a blast & the photos look amazing!
Anonymous said…
Wow, what a great set of pix!! Thanks for sharing these.....Ben

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