(Above: Artist Pepe Villegas) Last night following my usual 'espiritista' Thursday meetings - as I lovingly call my spiritual posse gatherings, The Waking Circle - with some amazing guys, in Chelsea ;-), the subject of dry skin came up. And, of course, I gave my best advice for the Fall/Winter season already making our skin drier and itchy. Organic Coconut Oil RIGHT AFTER TAKING A SHOWER/BATH, while your skin is still damp, smother it with some * organic coconut oil . The coconut oil will sink into your skin right away unlike anything with artificial petroleum based oils. You neither be putting on any parabens or weird ingredients that may be absorbed through your skin making you more toxic. For the first fifteen minutes after application your olfactory receptors will take you to some exotic Caribbean destination. Not a bad idea for a body lotion that works as aroma-visualizing-therapy in the dread of winter. It won't interfere with any other colonias or fragrance that...
Confessions Of a MakeUp Artiste