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Sergio Davila, an exposé...

Travis Bryant and Karlo. Guiding the makeup team through grooming for the Sergio Davila Spring + Summer Collection 09 @ the New York Mercedes Benz Fashion Week at Bryant Park, NYC.

Once again I do a show, a fashion show I must say. I don't do too many since 9/11 and after my agency in Paris closed, Atlantis. 9/11 gave me panic attacks, couldn't be in areas too enclosed, too crowded, but that is long past. You know, shows are my passion. I enjoy them, I thrive in that mayhem backstage, it makes me feel alive, happy, adrenalin rushing through my veins.

During Mercedes Benz Fashion Week - New York (Spring/Summer 2009), Sergio exposed his creations and I designed the makeup for his show. Inspired by the 1930's emigration of Europeans into Peru, Sergio created looks reminiscent of that era and planted them in 2009; a fresh, comfortable, casual-elegant-with-a-bit-of-nostalgia look that is very wearable and easy to dress-up or down. I even see some of the pieces as very inter-seasonal by simply adding or subtracting layers, consequently very practical.

Sergio Davila has always had very high expectations of himself, something that inevitably gets carried over to this collection's workmanship. He also has a keen eye to spot the beautiful and the talented, and this season is not exempt from this magic. Working hand-in-hand with Mr.Davila, on the locks and twists of the new knitted collection, is Loredana Cannia, a master of twisting threads. Their collaborating journey has delivered impeccable, one-of-a-kind pieces of art that were shown at this season's presentation. It doesn't come as a surprise the marvel of this team... it takes one to know one... and they simply created magic. Bravissimo Sergio! No wonder Patrick McDonald considered Sergio's show one of his favorites!

So! Makeup! It was very simple; a light smokey eye; demure, to let the natural beauty show through. Brows? Natural. Cheeks? A very pale-pale pink. Lips? Pinch-your-lips rosé. After all these women didn't carry much makeup as cargo. As they approached "tierra" all they had to make themselves pretty was remnants of charcoal to draw around the eyes, youth, and the excitement of a new life in a new continent, America.

Thank you Sergio for your love and trust.

All images copyrighted by Ivonne Carlo Sellés (ivonnecarlo@gmail)

Ladies with an attitude
Fellows that were in the mood...

'Trazando, marcando'... Sergio's vision.

Margarita a-la-Greta, a-la-Garbo.

Backstage luuuvv!

Margarita down the runway. I even like the name of where she comes from "Belarus", sounds like Bella Russe, and she is.

Dry, dry, dry. Let the "water" dry. Water of course, I'm not going to tell you my secret potion :-)

Dot, dot, dot...

My favorite body and soul, Travis Bryant!

This item is out of stock :-P

This item is "Special Order" and only ships in private jet.

Nole Marin: "Karlo is that a real mustache?... but I saw you in Milan and you did not have it.!"
Things grow Nole, things grow... some are showers and some are growers.

Look around everywhere you turn is heartache
It's everywhere that you go...

Well, this validates my theory that in the mix is where the flavor is. This man carries in his 'jewels' Puertorican and European x's & y's. Mama & Papa, what a great mix you made!

Special thanks to Ivonne Carlo Sellés and Miguel Figueroa for documenting the show. You know its all about image babe!

I leave you with an interview with Sergio Davila on NBC:


ever need
an assistant,
even just to hold
those heavy brushes of yours

Don't be shy



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