Foto: Ivonne Carlo Photography !Hola a tod@s y feliz año 2013! Les deseo paz, amor, éxito, abundante salud... y que seamos mas comprensivos, empáticos... para así entender que no todo cabe un una pagina web. Por eso aquí les dejo con las imágenes y enlaces que no cupieron en el articulo original " De Compras " por Larissa Vázquez Zapata , editora de Magacín . Espero les guste esta extensión, que es todo lo que se lee en cursiva. Karlo Karlo, maquillista puertorriqueño residente en N.Y., comparte sus gustos. Mis lugares predilectos para hacer compras: 1. El mercado de pulgas de Brooklyn ( enlace en articulo original ) . No hay nada que me fascine más que la amalgama de lo nuevo y vintage; la idea es combinarlas, que se seduzcan, así se enaltecen respectivamente. Entre el regateo y el eye candy, uno de los mejores pasatiempos sabatinos. 2. Florencia, Italia. En The Mall, ubicado en Incisa, Val d'Arno ( enlace en articulo original )...
Carlos Campos' collection for this Fall/Winter 2012-13 is inspired in the romantic. I'l keep you posted on his presentation this Sunday, February 12th at Milk studios (NYC), 3:00 PM. But for know here's a glimpse of the grooming process, makeup by moi, hair by hunk Ramirez. What does it take to turn someone into a romantic? How would you paint him? Sculpt him? I've always believed that if you want to know whether a makeup artist is good or not, give them the test of grooming. There's a certain sensibility, knowledge of color and undertones and finishing techniques that is required in order to make the makeup disappear. The fantastic hair master Cesar Ramirez will be collaborating with Carlos Campos this season, as always. Image by Luis Carle. It's about color 101 and being quite the observer of faces in their natural perfect state and painting them handsome, romantic. All products used by MAC Cosmetics. It shouldn't take mu...